Kanji Starter 2 - Edição Japonesa de Bolso
Descrição da Editora (em Inglês):
This book folows the same principle as in the previous book, "Kanji Starter" - utilizing pictographs and integrating characters in order to more easily rocognize the 300 kanji characters included in this edition.
THe pictographs or ideas explaining kanji characters in this book may not necessarily be based on their historical development, but may be alterations or, indeed, the author's own creations. THe purpose of this book is to understand and learn the meanings of kanji characters, rather than to study how they were derived.
漢字をイメージで覚える『Kanji Starter』第2弾!
日本語を学習する外国人の最大の関門は漢字です。私たちが普段使用している漢字は約2000語。これらを何のガイドも無しに覚えるのは、なみたいていのことではありません。前著『Kanji Starter』は200語にのぼる漢字を、イラストと漢字を結びつける事で簡単に、そして楽しく覚える事ができるツールとして、多くの日本語学習者に支持されました。本書『KANJI STARER 2』は、待望の第2弾。今回も約200語ほどの漢字を取り上げます。本文は英語。日本語検定試験を目指す方々や、漢字に興味のある外国人やホームステイのおみやげにも最適です。
Volume 2 (de 2)
Textos em Inglês e Japonês
Dados do Produto:
ISBN: 9784925080835
Autor/Artista: Daiki Kusuya
Idioma: Japonês
Editora: IBC
1ª Edição: Outubro de 2004
Tipo: Livro (bunko)
Capa: Brochura com Sobrecapa
Formato: 10,5 x 15cm, 208 páginas